I offer 2 walks which can be adapted in time and length to suit your needs. Typically walks are anywhere from 1 hour (rather like a workshop) up to a full day. You can pick a route or I can suggest one – although for longer walks I will probably need to visit and plan the walk in advance. I live in East London (UK) and can offer these walks for travel and accommodation expenses.
One Universe Story walk I did was in a large field near Oxford where we created a spiral, starting with the big bang at the centre and walking outwards, this took about an hour and a half. Another Universe Story walk was in Pembrokeshire walking across fields in the glorious countryside over most of a day. And another was in South West London walking along quiet streets. You can read my endorsements here.
Universe Story Walk
Walk the story of the Universe from the big bang 13.8 billion years ago through the creation of the stars and galaxies, planet Earth, the appearance of life on Earth and our human journey. Not only do we experience the major transformational events on the journey, such as the supernova explosion and the death of the dinosaurs, but we also draw meaning from each of these events such as unity, creativity and compassion. These can inspire us on our own journey. Each step you take on the walk is a time period, for instance, each step can be a million years on the journey. But the scale is adapted to your needs – the walk can be as short or long as you want. You may be amazed at the vast amount of time needed for the Earth as we know it to appear and the comparative short time of our human existence. This can help us to see that we are all part of a much bigger journey.
Earth Story Walk
This is similar to the Universe Story (above) but is from the appearance of planet Earth through to today. I trace the journey of the Earth from its formation 4.5 billion years ago, the appearance of the first cell of life and its evolution to complex cells and then plants, trees and animals. We see the many transformations on the planet, through catastrophes such as snowball Earth and the blossoming of life in its many different forms. All of this gives us a sense of awe and wonder about the Earth and its living systems. I also draw meaning from the story and see how it can help to inspire us and offer hope for the future.